Governor Vacancies
There are currently no Governor Vacancies
Governor Information
Oak Cottage is a Local Authority maintained school for children aged 3 to 11. There are approximately 240 children in our school, grouped in single age classes of 30.
The team are very proud of our school and the wonderful learning opportunities and experiences we provide. We put the children at the heart of everything we do and develop their strengths and talents, both academically and socially.
Our last Ofsted report, carried out in September 2019, judged our school to be “Outstanding”. Included in the report was the following: “Parents, pupils and staff are very proud that the school feels like a family where everyone is cared for as an individual”.
We value the contribution our parents make to all aspects of school life and look forward, with your support, to developing a close partnership between home and school.
Visitors to our school always comment on the calm and purposeful working environment, the welcoming and friendly atmosphere and the exemplary behaviour of the children.
Salary: A Governor role is a volunteer position
Hours: Various hours governors are employed on a voluntary basis
Role overview
School governors represent the largest volunteer force in the country with approximately 1% of the adult population serving in this capacity at any one time. The governors work hard to improve the outcomes for children young people and their families
Skills to join a team of school leaders
Our governing body is made up of a broad range of people including parents, school staff, members of the community, people nominated by the Local Authority and sometimes the Church / Diocese. They have a range of different backgrounds, skills and experiences, they are all committed volunteers who work together for the benefit of the school and are the link between the school and the community it serves. The most important thing is that governors have the necessary skills to contribute and the willingness to learn and develop their abilities as a governor.
The governing body works as a team with the Headteacher and other staff, effective governors do not need to be experts in education but they do need to be committed to their school.
A key role of governors is holding the management team to account robustly and effectively. For this, it is important that governors have a questioning mind and are diplomatic. They also need to be enthusiastic and a good team player. To contribute effectively, all governors need to be literate and numerate.
The different types of governors
- Parent governors - elected by the parents of children in the school
- Co-opted governors - appointed by the governing body and might include local business people or members of local community groups
- Local Authority governors - members of the community who may be elected members with an interest in the school and skills required to meet the schools skills gap. Applications are endorsed by the Cabinet Member and Shadow Cabinet Member for Education and Early Years and appointment will be made by the full governing body.
- Staff governors - elected by both the teaching and support staff at the school
- Headteacher
Do you have?
- The ability to form effective working relationships with fellow governors and staff?
- The ability to enquire, scrutinise, challenge and actively support the work of the senior staff of the school?
- The desire to work hard as a volunteer for the benefit of the children, families and staff?
- The ability to look at issues objectively?
- The confidence to ask questions and join in debate?
- The willingness to listen and make informed judgments?
- Willing to act honestly, openly and with integrity?
The benefits of becoming a governor include:
- A chance to develop skills in a strategic management role
- The opportunity to work with a team of governors and staff in improving schools
- Training to develop an understanding of specific school management issues
- A sense of achievement in making a difference to the school
- The pleasure of helping children and young people reach their potential
Some governors have commented on the value of their personal development and advancement through volunteering for the role of governor (strategic manager) and how this has helped them with progression in work and other aspects of their life.
Key Requirements
Excellent literacy, numeracy, written and IT skills with attention to detail are essential along with ability to act in a professional manner whilst maintaining sensitivity and confidentiality. The job requires someone who is a good communicator with excellent customer care skills, who works well on their own using their own initiative and as part of a team.
Previous experience as a school governor is not essential. Training will be provided.
To apply please contact:
Oak Cottage Primary School Office – 0121 704 9123 and let us know why you want to join our team and what skills you could bring to the Governing Body