Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
Mrs Newman
Mrs Hunjan
Mrs Draysey
This half term our topic is Toy Story!
This half term our topic is Toy Story!
During this half term, we will be learning our phase 5 phonic sounds and applying these to our reading and writing. In maths, we will be securing our place value within 10 and solving addition and subtraction within 10. We will also be discovering changes in history from before they were born, with a particular focus on toys.
We will be handling data, improving our fitness and practicing yoga, testing materials for their properties, looking at different sculptures and much more!
Please see the curriculum newsletter for more detail.
If you would like to come and help in the classroom, hear readers or do library sessions, please come and speak
to us, we would love to see you!
Do not forget to check below for each week’s phonics we are learning.
Phonic sheets for parents - week by week coverage
Marvellous Maths!
Help for parents with maths
Jigsaw - Our Jigsaw theme is Being me in my world.
We will understand the rights and responsibilities as a member of the class and know that our views
and thoughts are valued.
There is a wonderful website below that is useful for your child and for you as a parent. It has games and information about feelings, health, illnesses and sections on body image, mental health and much more. There is also a section for you, the parent, to refer to for information on the school nurse and it shows local Solihull support services.