Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
Mrs Wilson
Mrs Draysey (Thursday pm)
Desolate Deserts!
We will begin our topic by summarising the the characteristics of a desert biome and then spend time exploring features of deserts in more details. We will then learn about the different ways humans can use deserts and describe some of the threats to this biome.
To see our curriculum in more detail please see the newsletter.
Jigsaw - PSHE
Our Jigsaw topic is 'Healthy Me'. In this unit we will discuss:
- Taking responsibility for our own health and wellbeing
- Different types of drugs and their uses and their effects on the body, especially the liver and heart
- Exploitation and how some people can be exploited and made to do things that are against the law
- Why some people join gangs and the risk this involves
- Emotional and Mental Health and how to manage stress and pressure
There is a wonderful website below that is useful for your child and for you as a parent. It has games and information about feelings, health, illnesses and sections on body image, mental health and much more. There is also a section for you, the parent, to refer to for information on the school nurse and it shows local Solihull support services.