Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
Mrs Wilson
Mrs Draysey (Thursday pm)
Mexican Mayhem!
Hola! Cómo estás? This half-term we will be comparing the Maya and the Anglo-Saxons as we learn all about the Maya civilisation. We will investigate how the Maya settled in the rainforest, their religious beliefs, homes and what archaeological remains tell us about Maya cities. We will also be researching, designing and making our own Mexican menu - yum! |
To see our curriculum in more detail please see the newsletter.
Jigsaw - PSHE
Our Jigsaw topic is 'Dreams and Goals'. In this unit we will discuss:
- How to set learning goals and motivating ourselves to achieve them.
- How to recognise the emotions we feel when we see problems in the world work
- How to work well with other people and empathise with those going through difficulty - Ways in which we can make the world a better place
- What people in my class admire about me and how to accept their praise and compliments
- The importance of praising other people and recognising their contributions and achievements
There is a wonderful website below that is useful for your child and for you as a parent. It has games and information about feelings, health, illnesses and sections on body image, mental health and much more. There is also a section for you, the parent, to refer to for information on the school nurse and it shows local Solihull support services.