Vision, Values and Aims
Oak Cottage is a friendly, community school that is ambitious for its pupils and offers a rich and exciting curriculum that will stimulate children to become lifelong learners. We encourage pupils to be curious about the world around them, motivated to be the best that they can be and responsible for their actions. We aim to develop confident individuals who have their own opinions, enjoy coming to school and achieve highly. We work in partnership with parents and the wider school community to mould and inspire active, resilient and caring citizens of the future who have a respect for the people around them and make a positive contribution.
Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
The government set out its definition of British values as:
- democracy
- the rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect
- tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
Our principal school aims are:-
To be an inclusive and accessible school that ensures equality for everyone, providing opportunities for all members of our community to learn, achieve to the best of their abilities, experience success, gain confidence and grow in independence.
To provide a rich and engaging curriculum that motivates and extends all children, helping them to develop a full range of knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes.
To offer a range of high quality learning and teaching approaches that enthuse children, engage them in an excitement about and passion for learning and nurture their individual gifts and talents.
To focus on each child’s learning in order to enhance progress, achievement and participation; with the expectation that every child will achieve the standards of which they are capable.
To help children to talk about how they learn, think creatively, take risks and handle change, so that they can become lifelong learners, able to respond to the opportunities and challenges of the rapidly changing world in which we live.
To be welcoming for parents, forming a strong partnership that engages them in the life of the school and enables them to support their child’s learning.
To build strong relationships with the community, working and sharing with others to ensure we benefit from the skills, knowledge and expertise around us.
To be a learning community where all members are committed to continuous improvement and seek further development through self-evaluation, innovation and interaction with others.
To help our children to develop as courteous, co-operative and caring individuals who are sensitive to the needs of others and form and maintain constructive relationships based on respect.
To develop a happy, safe and supportive environment that deals effectively with any issues that may arise in relation to discrimination and bullying and promotes positive self-esteem and emotional well-being.
To be a “healthy school” that promotes healthy lifestyle choices through our curriculum and enrichment activities.
To help children recognise their responsibilities as citizens by encouraging them to play an active part in school life, take care of their environment and develop their understanding of the mutual interdependence of the global community.