Welcome to the PSFA
The Oak Cottage Parent, Staff and Friends Association (PSFA) is your chance to be involved in your child’s school life and to help enrich your child’s experience at school.
We value everyone’s input, and you are more than welcome to attend PSFA meetings whenever you can. Our principal aim is to raise funds to provide extra facilities for the school but also having fun whilst doing so. We hold various event throughout the year, please see our social media posts and the school newsletters for what we have coming up this year!
Your main committee members are:
Co-Chair: Marie Turlington
Co-Chair: Nadine Hollings
Co-Treasurer: Nikki Price
Co-Treasurer: Tony Hickson
Co Secretary: Dhruv Parekh
Co Secretary: Laura Owen
For any enquiries please contact us on
You can also contact us by dropping a note into our pigeonhole in the school office, contacting our Facebook page (OakCottagePSFA) or by messaging your Class Rep on your class WhatsApp group.
How You Can Help
We are looking for help throughout the year, with various events that we are planning. If you can spare a small amount of your time, then we would be enormously grateful. It is also a great way to meet new people and get more involved in your child’s school. If you are interested, why not drop us an email and find out more?
We hold meetings throughout the year, and anyone can attend. In addition, there is also an Annual General Meeting which takes place every November to elect new members. Meetings are very informal and usually last for an hour or so. All meeting dates are shared via the Facebook page, noticeboards, and class WhatsApp groups. Please click the on the link below for last year’s accounts listing our most recent fundraising events.