Parent/carer help and guidance
The way that maths is taught has changed considerably in recent times. As a parent or carer, you may not be familiar with the apparatus used to support maths, the pictorial elements (such as 'part-whole models' and 'bar models') and the procedures and methods used may also be new to you! The following set of videos produced by White Rose Maths (the scheme followed at Oak Cottage) are a fantastic introduction to all of the above - take a look!
Maths games
Parents and carers often ask teachers for websites they can access to support their children with maths. Below is a list of some that we find particularly useful in school. However, it is also extremely valuable for children to access maths through things like board games and playing with coins. It seems simple, but children who use dice to play board games become more fluent with their 'number bonds' to 12 (so, knowing that a 5 on one dice and a 6 on the other equals 11) and children who are given the opportunity to play with coins and 'buy' things are learning about the value of coins, which combinations make a certain amount, not to mention developing vital early addition and subtraction skills.