Parent support
How do you involve/support the parents of children with SEND regarding identifying and meeting their needs?
- Parents concerns are always listened to
- Both teachers and parents can raise a concern with the SENCo and they are then actively involved in subsequent discussions and decisions
- We work in partnership with parents to set and share Individual Education Plan targets and then meet to review them termly
- Interventions are discussed and agreed, time limits are set and reviews take place within school termly
- Annual reviews are held for parents of children who have an Education, Health and care Plan
- Opportunities are provided for parents to meet with outside agencies e.g. ASD team parent surgeries, SENTAA information gathering meetings
- Parents have access to the SENCo to discuss concerns they may have via a phone call, email or a meeting
- The Governing Body is represented by a designated SEN governor who meets with the SENCo termly to discuss provision