Staff CPD training
What CPD have staff had in order to meet the needs of children with SEND?
- The SENCo attends regular Network meetings with the collaborative schools and the Local Authority
- Termly liaison meetings between the SENCo and the ASD, SEMH, HI teams and with SENTAA, our advisors for Communication and Learning Difficulties (CLD) and the Educational Psychology Service
- All staff including lunchtime supervisors have received ASD training. Tier 2 training has been implemented for all teaching staff and the SENCo has received training at Tier 3 level
- All teaching staff have had training on Dyslexia awareness and maths learning difficulties including Dyscalculia
- Epipen training
- Hearing Impairment training
- Some TAs and LSAs have received training on the Nessy program
- The CFSW has received training on mental health
- The Headteacher is the Designated teacher for Looked After and Previously Looked After Children so receives annual training in this area